The Diligent Circle


This describes a single-deck variant of Spider that we came up with. Our play-testing shows it to be challenging, yet fair.

Spiderweb is similar to 4-suit Spider in most ways, but with three key differences:

  1. Only one deck is used instead of two.
  2. The tableau begins with two empty piles which are not dealt to. They are otherwise treated the same as any other empty pile in the tableau.
  3. Unoccupied foundation piles can be used as cells (as in FreeCell). They must be emptied before placing a completed stack of cards in them.


This page uses standard Patience terminology. Particular terms of note (taken from Wikipedia's glossary of Patience terms):


Standard 52-card deck (thirteen ordered ranks of four suits) with no jokers. Ranks here are referred to via the numbers 1-13. In a typical deck, non-numbered cards will be assigned as follows:

However, Spiderweb does not enforce this or any other numbering scheme as long as what corresponds with each number from 1 to 13 is understood and decided in advance before dealing cards.


The layout consists of three areas (all cards are to be distributed randomly and without knowledge of their positioning):
